Review: Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard


You power call back the action-packed, sudden-sound exploits of the hyper-masculine, videogame litigate hero Matt Hazard. No? Atomic number 2's the franchise mega star of classic games of the 80s and 90s, same The Adventures of Matt in Hazard Ground, A Handful of Hazard, Struggle of the Deities (Featuring Matt Run a risk), You Only Live 1,317 Times and Matt and Dexter. How about his atrocious spinoffs like Haz-Lusterlessness Carts and Throttling Take a chance: Sugarcoat Gm? If you've never detected of them, it's because they wear't really exist. But playing Eat Take: The Return of Lusterlessness Hazard – an factual videogame smartly developed aside Vicious Cycle – makes me wish they did.

Don't let the fact information technology was most universally panned aside gritty critics fool you. Eat Lead is actually an amazing game, much like the manner Evil Nonfunctional 2 is an amazing horror movie…if you grab my drift. By spoofing the game diligence itself, playfully poking fun at gaming clichés and doing away with all simulation of seriousness – while smooth nerve-racking to be a legitimate game at the similar time – it offers only the right amount of facetious humor to make blasting away at inane baddies through eighter from Decatur levels compact with fatuity surprisingly valuable the time.

Armed with plenty of horrible single-liners and a different cornucopia of death-dealing implements, Eat Lead's meathead protagonist is all but as stereotypical as information technology gets for an action shooter, but his plight is downright bizarre. Along the verge of existence done for after a extended calling as a videogame action champion (yes, IT's a game about a character that stars in videogames), Hazard expects to hold his big comeback in Eat Lead. The problem, it seems, is somebody intends to expend the new game to kill him off permanently by hacking the code and falling in scores of old adversaries culled from the publisher's extensive rear catalogue of Flat Hazard titles. With the help of QA, his digitized female companion, Risk is perplexed shooting his means through increasingly crooked levels that crunch-up the virtually embarrassing moments of his gaming career.

Though oddly satisfying, the core gameplay in Eat Lead is largely unspectacular. It's basically a orthodox third-person shooter that has you gunning your room through areas air-filled of foes. You'll progress from one deep firefight to the next, picking up a comely medley of weapons (some of which are quite silly) along the way. Since foes are essential beings, they de-rez when killed, leaving behind a glowing orb that you'll occupy to exponent your lone special ability: charging your bullets with fire surgery ice to assistance dispatch enemies with greater speed. Aside from some creative and outrageous boss encounters, the shooter process varies identical little from the first stratum to the last. The one commendably-implemented gameplay constituent is the crocked cover mechanic that lets you duck hindquarters objects, run from one bay to the next and utilize random obstacles with great discreetness. It's nothing particularly new or amazing, but it's solid.

Hitherto, I've never played a game that throws sci-fi space warriors, kitchen faculty, cowboys, machinegun-wielding fembots, seafaring tentacle monsters, construction workers, alien ships, zombies, 2D German soldiers (think the novel Wolfenstein) and even guys carrying super-soakers at me in a single sitting. The foolish nature of the bad guys in Eat in Lead rattling makes the experience more fun, since you never really know what enemies you'll encounter and in what combination they'll appear. That same, the enemy A.I. is extremely foreseeable and a tiny daft at times. At combined point, I ducked around a wall I was hiding behind to find my foe on the other side ignoring Pine Tree State completely in favou intently ruinous hot lead into the wall I was just using for cover up. A fewer seconds later o (while I was hush permanent there watching) atomic number 2 actually threw a grenade at that very same wall – at spot-blank run, no more less – and blew himself up. The steady of stupidity I witnessed was almost comically nonliteral. That's not to say the game isn't challenging; it is.

By all means, the highly repetitive task of shooting everything that moves and the formulaic dismantle progression should undergo gotten painfully old early in the game, yet the desire to fight ahead to see what new stratum of strangeness would be unclothed grew stronger the more than I played. Anyone who considers themselves a lover of videogames will appreciate the tremendous mass and broad range of gaming references worked into nigh all areas of Eat Lead. There are subtle nods to specific games, like Big Mario Bros., Halo and Wolfenstein alongside more general gaming references, including gags centered around tutorials, obligatory sniper levels, obnoxious immediate-time events, and loading multiplication cloaked as lift rides. The fact Hazard oftentimes breaks the ordinal wall to remark on and mock aspects of gaming civilisation is even more comic.

Besides being a decent third base-individual shooter, Eat Jumper lead is probably one of the strangest and most entertaining videogames about a videogame character that pokes besides fun at videogames within an actual videogame I've every played.

Bottom line: Feed Lead is so negative that it's good.

Recommendation: I decree: aficionados of gaming culture mustiness play through and through this game erst. Information technology's a rote learning-simply-unexceptionable shooter that's made excellent by its individual-referential ridiculousness.

This review is settled on the Xbox 360 version of the game.

Nathan Meunier hopes he will some day equal able to review a brave about game journalists reviewing videogames.


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