Facebook Messenger is a great tool for advice, but it can too exist very intrusive. Sometimes - for whatever reason - we don't want to immediately reply to a bulletin, and even so we likewise don't want to announced to be rude by ignoring it.

Fright non: we'll prove you how to secretly read your Facebook messages and then reply at your leisure.

Read Facebook messages on your telephone without the sender knowing

When yous transport a message on Facebook Messenger y'all'll see a circumvolve with a tick inside appear next to the text box. And then, if the recipient opens it, this will disappear and be replaced by the person's icon. That's how you lot know information technology's been read.

Facebook Messenger does not allow you to turn off these read receipts, but there are workarounds that tin can give you back some command.

The most constructive way of stopping read receipts is to forestall the app itself talking to the internet. To practice this you just need to use Airplane or Flight style. You should detect this in your phone's Settings bill of fare, or using the quick admission icons that appear when y'all pull down from the pinnacle of the screen.

When y'all beginning receive the message, don't open the Facebook Messenger app, instead turn on Flight Mode. And so, open the app and read the new message without the sender knowing.

In that location isn't an obvious way to know this has been successful on your ain phone, merely the sender volition go on to run across merely a circle with a checkmark within to the right of the text bubble. When the inside of the circumvolve is white information technology ways the bulletin has been sent, and when filled with gray information technology has been delivered.

how to read facebook messages without being seen

Only when you decide that you're free to engage with the sender should you re-open the Facebook Messenger app (having already turned off Flight Mode). This circumvolve will at present exist replaced with your profile picture, informing the sender that you lot've read the message.

How to read facebook messages without being seen

Read Facebook messages on your PC or laptop without the sender knowing

Even on desktop, Facebook does non provide an choice to plow off Messenger read receipts. But here y'all can benefit from third-party browser plug-ins.

If you use Chrome and then at that place are a fair number of choices. Open up a new tab and so click on the colourful square grid in the upper left manus corner marked Apps, then click on the Web Store icon.

Search for Unseen and you'll detect a free, cunning extension that volition automatically block read receipts being sent when you open up a bulletin.

how to read facebook messages without being seen

Click the Add to Chrome button and the extension volition install, then when you use Chrome to access Facebook Messenger you'll be able to read messages in private.

Firefox users tin effortFB Unseen, which does the same chore. To install it open up a new tab in Firefox, click the three lines upwardly the top right corner and then select Add-ons from the menu that appears. Now search for the app and click the Add to Firefox push button.

how to read facebook messages without being seen

So, in that location you go. The words Facebook and privacy might seem at odds with each other, but at least using these tips you can claw dorsum a small amount of discretion in Messenger.